
ABKing Says: Time For Sly To Be The Punisher – ManlyMovie

ABKing Says: Time For Sly To Be The Punisher

ABKing here,

We all know that Marvel rules Hollywood these days. They make great movies. They also make BIG movies that everyone on planet earth goes and sees. Now, we also know that Marvel owns the character rights again for PUNISHER.

So far there have been three PUNISHER films and all three have good qualities about them. Personally, I like the low budget, gritty and raw feel of Dolph Lundgren’s 1989 movie.

Getting back to my point — Sylvester Stallone was born to play Frank Castle. He basically played a variation of the character in 1986 with COBRA. Sly has two more EXPENDABLES films left in him with this summers EX3 and EX4 in 2016 (?). There is a possibility he might play RAMBO one last time. Who knows. But after that his future seems uncertain as to where his career might take him.

Will he go all out Clint Eastwood and basically turn his full time attention to writing, directing and producing his own films and occasionally star in a movie? Or will he go the supporting actor route and play a minor character in a BIG film? We don’t know. Sly is a few years away from turning 70. He still looks amazing so this is my point….

At 70 years old I think Sly could have a new character to make his own: PUNISHER!!! Yes, you heard me right. And I don’t mean in another Punisher movie either. I mean playing the character in the 3rd or 4th AVENGERS movie. Marvel is expanding their Universe and bringing more and more characters into the Avengers fold. This summer we will see GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY and I believe those characters will appear in a future Avengers movie. Heck, even Spider-Man is being talked about to appear in the distant future in one of the Avengers movies.

So, now that Marvel owns Punisher again I think they should go the more older and grizzled route with his next appearance. I think STALLONE is the man for the job. Imagine in the 4th Avengers blockbuster seeing Sly/Punisher appearing somewhere in the movie to help out the Avengers. The character has done it before several times in the comics.

I think Sly could have another cash cow character and movie series if Marvel casts him as Frank Castle also known as THE PUNISHER. Marvel, I hope you guys are listening. You guys will eventually use Punisher again. This time GO BIG and BOLD and bring him into the fold of THE AVENGERS!!! ABKing has spoken!