
What’s That? Sam Jackson In Die Hard 6? – ManlyMovie

What’s That? Sam Jackson In Die Hard 6?

Samuel L.Jackson may be back for the next “Die Hard”, Latino Review’s El Mayime tweeted this afternoon.

And yeah, it seems there will be another Die Hard movie. It looks like we can finally break the Die Hard series into two distinct trilogies.  The good trilogy (1988-1995) and the rancid bastard offspring trilogy (2007-).  It’s time to talk about the next in that second trilogy.  The person tasked with writing it, Ben Tribilcook, has been talking to WhatCulture.  He wants to send McClane to Japan:

McClane is invited to Tokyo by the Nakatomi Corporation to be commended for his bravery and efforts in saving 36 lives, celebrating this on the 30th anniversary of the Naktatomi Hostage Crisis. It’s by no means Black Rain. Perhaps has a slight Rising Sun type tone. It’s also not a double-act buddy-buddy story.

Jackson’s Zeus Carver was seen in 1995′s “Die Hard : With a Vengeance”.  Given the direction of Jackson’s career, even though it could be worse, doubtless he’ll jump on this.  Although the writer has insisted Die Hard 6 will see McClane act solo once again.

After the recent outings though… I don’t think anyone cares.