
Cameron Talks Terminator: Genesis + T2 3D Conversion – ManlyMovie

Cameron Talks Terminator: Genesis + T2 3D Conversion

James Cameron recently offered his opinion on Terminator: Genesis and talked about some input he had for the movie.  Here is what he had to say:

“David Ellison took the project over from Megan and he and I met a couple times. And so Arnold is very much front and center in the new Terminator films. So I might have had some tiny effect on it — but obviously they had to make the right financial and creative decisions themselves so I’m not trying to take credit for the film that they’re making but that was my goal in being loosely attached to the film but I won’t have any credit on it.”

Incidentally Cameron has also been speaking about Terminator 2 and the possibility of converting it to 3D.  To me, this a more exciting prospect than Terminator: Genesis.  3D is excellent when done right and Jim Cameron is a man who would do it right.  His work on Titanic was (visually) astounding for a conversion job.

“If there was someone who was interested in doing that, and we could make a good case for the business model like, perhaps let’s say, it’s never been on screens in China which in the next few years is about to become the biggest market for films worldwide. That alone might justify the cost of a conversion which might be 6 or 7 million dollars. And then a 3D re-release might attract some eyeballs in North American and Europe and then the Chinese release, which would be the first release on the big screen, might pay for it.”