
Downey Jr. Wants Mel To Direct Iron Man 4 – ManlyMovie

Downey Jr. Wants Mel To Direct Iron Man 4


As I said recently, this anti-Gibson shit is getting old.  And Robert Downey Jr. holds the same opinion.  Actually, he always has and was among the first big names to defend Mel years ago when he said that Mel Gibson was merely ‘caught in the act of being a human being’.  Get ’em, Rob.

Even better, RDJ wants Mel to direct him in Iron Man 4.  He first defended Mel again in an interview with Deadline;

He has changed so much. Nobody should make a case for somebody who just wants forgiveness but hasn’t changed, but he’s a fundamentally different guy. I think it was just the very worst aspects of somebody’s psyche being treated as though they were the blanket statement about a person. But honestly we are talking about a competitive business and it all comes down to this: because he is so gifted as a story teller and a director, I don’t know that he requires some sort of mass forgiveness. He has changed, but at the same time he’s still Mel. He and I are so similar in so many ways. He really, honestly is the first to admit his character defects and also is just a great, great collaborative guy. I always say too that if you want to judge a man or a woman then look at their kids. He has the healthiest, happiest, most productive kids you could ever meet or know, and I’m fortunate to be friendly with several of them. He did a lot right, and there’s stuff he taught me about parenting that didn’t sink in at the time but have proven to be true. We’re writing this thing right now, Yucatan…

Then Deadline asked him if he’d do Iron Man 4, if Mel was the director:

DEADLINE: True, but the year he made Apocalypto, I didn’t see a better movie and he was ignored and hasn’t directed since. Marvel badly wants Iron Man 4 and you’ve said you aren’t doing it. How about the idea you’ll do that movie if Mel directs it?
DOWNEY: Correct.

DEADLINE: Is that our headline?
DOWNEY: Why not? That movie would be bananas.

Robert Downey Jr. isn’t the only person who wants Mel to direct a movie for him.  John Milius wants him to direct his big pet project, Genghis Khan.  Demand for Mel is growing, the forces of good have had enough of the hatred.  He’s not done yet…