
The Interview Cancelled On DVD, Liberal Actors Respond – ManlyMovie

The Interview Cancelled On DVD, Liberal Actors Respond


Sony Pictures Entertainment is not done in caving into the demands of Uncle Kim.  Yesterday they announced the theatrical cancellation of the movie, in North America (I’m assuming everywhere else is the same).  For those hoping to see it on DVD/Blu-Ray/VOD, forget it.  They’re now cancelling that form of release too according to The Hollywood Reporter.

I guess if for no-one else but Kim, this is a good deal for the cast.  James Franco and Seth Rogan were contracted to do the whole ardous promotional thing, but now Sony have relieved them of that duty.  Thing is though, the movie is promoting itself now.  Notoriety is through the roof, this is the kind of promotion you can’t buy.

The cancelletion has cost Sony at least $60 million.  Looks like they’re just going to have to absorb that one.  In a sense there’s not much they can do with the theatrical cancellation, the top five chains in the USA pulled the movie, which they’re kinda obliged to do for insurance reasons.  This, despite the fact the Koreans are bullshitting.  They know the threat alone will suffice.  But what is Sony’s excuse for cancelling the movie on all formats?  Seems weak to me…

What Sony need to do now is leak the movie.  And I stress the word now, when the going is good and people are discussing it.  That’ll give them some semblance of revenge.  Either that, or ‘Anonymous’ should do it.  Do something worthwhile for a change.

Meanwhile, in a first, liberal actors (I really wanted to use another term for them here…) have grown a spine and started calling for blood.  Well, it takes something to get a fire lit under them I suppose, even if it means going after their ideological comrade Kim.  Check out the replies below.  Michael Moore is saved for last, finally making a worthy comment.  For the first time in his unkempt life.