
Shane Black Talks Predator Sequel – ManlyMovie

Shane Black Talks Predator Sequel

predatordarkagesA video from a small time YouTuber that went under the radar from last summer can be viewed below, where director and writer Shane Black talks about his upcoming Predator sequel.  Black again confirmed that it would not be a sequel, but insisted that a straight sequel would not be enough.  It’s good to hear that he wants nothing less than the movie blowing people away.

Something slightly more worrying is his refusal to answer the question of whether or not the Predator in the next movie would be a female.  I can’t see how tits on a Predator could possibly work and I hope that Shane Black is simply keeping speculation open for the purposes of promotion.

Black’s next movie is ‘Nice Guys’.  It stars Ryan Gosling, Russell Crowe and Kim Basinger.  So it looks like we’re going to have to wait a while at any rate.