
30 Years Ago: Cobra – ManlyMovie

30 Years Ago: Cobra


It may be 20 years since Mission: Impossible was playing right now.  But it’s 30 years since Cobra was in cinemas. Some actually call this the manliest movie ever filmed.

Is it so hard to disagree?

Sylvester Stallone notoriously turned down Beverly Hills Cop, then tried to ape that movie with Cobra when he regretted it.  But obviously the best outcome happened because we got the best of both worlds, Cobra and Beverly Hills Cop.

So here we are, 30 years in, and even the cash whoring execs didn’t plan ahead for some type of special edition.  They should have given us the full special edition, steel book extended version.  Complete with Night Slasher special covers and a commentary from both Stallone and Brian Thompson.

And now, during this time of strife and rampant treachery, a poignant word of patriotism from the Night Slasher;

You want to go to hell? Huh, pig? You want to go to hell with me? It doesn’t matter, does it? We are the hunters. We kill the weak so the strong survive. You can’t stop the New World. Your filthy society will never get rid of people like us. It’s breeding them! WE ARE THE FUTURE!