
13 Thousand Votes Declare Predator Manliest Movie Ever – ManlyMovie

13 Thousand Votes Declare Predator Manliest Movie Ever


Well I suppose it’s not going to be a surprise, but after all of the face offs in our Manliest Movie Ever tournament, Predator has emerged victorious.  It beat out other manly classics such as Die Hard and Mad Max 2.

There were around 13,000 votes in this tournament and Predator is the one that it came down to.  The only real competitor looked like Commando, but when it was knocked out, well it looked like a foregone conclusion.

Next, we set out to find who the manliest actor ever is.  And we’d also have to find quite a few to start with, either 16 or perhaps 32.  Already a name that comes to mind as a strong contender would probably be Charles Bronson.  Others would include Gene Hackman, Sylvester Stallone or Steve McQueen.

But anyway, Predator!  The single manliest movie ever made.