
1st Images From Eastwood’s Plane Movie – ManlyMovie

1st Images From Eastwood’s Plane Movie

Below are the first images from ‘Sully’, the biopic about Captain Sully Sullenberger starring Tom Hanks as the famous pilot who glided his disabled plane onto the frigid waters of the Hudson River and saved the lives of all 155 aboard.  This happened in 2009.

If ever a manly man deserved a movie, maybe it is him.

Because those fucking bureaucrats came after him, launching their pissant ‘investigation’, better to sacrifice the man that their own infrastructure right?  Luckily, Clint Eastwood is directing this, so maybe the man’s reputation will be cleaned up a bit.

And it should make for an exciting movie in itself, we also hope to see it filmed practically as far as is possible.  Clint is not the type of guy to say fuck it, just animate the whole thing on those PCs, and shake the camera.


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