
Lost Good, Bad & Ugly Footage Found – ManlyMovie

Lost Good, Bad & Ugly Footage Found

After all these years, lost footage for The Good, The Bad and the Ugly has been found.

The story, in 2014 a private collector purchased and shipped an original 35mm print from Italy in order to examine the colour as a means of using it as a reference to personally colour correct the new MGM 4k master and create a “fan version” of the film. A few fans partnered up to work on this project, bringing together both financial resources and individual skills. Scanning a 35mm print at 4k is a costly venture, with many technical hurdles. Doing the due diligence and research is also a time consuming process, which has taken the better part of 2 years.

The differences discovered so far on a preliminary examination are as follows:

1. Extra footage (3 new closeup shots) in the early scene where Angel Eyes visits the farmer
2. A fragment of a scripted deleted scene at the end of a reel
3. The complete beating scene (including portions that were damaged on the print MGM used as their reference and included as a bonus feature on DVD and BLU)
4. Various music cue and sound effect differences.
5. Longer character titles in the final scene.

More on this can be read here.  Check out the footage below.