
Should We Cover Manly Comic Book Movies? – ManlyMovie

Should We Cover Manly Comic Book Movies?


We kind of have a policy here of no comic book movie coverage.  The stiffening of resolve is helped by the decrease in quality of these movies and the fact that they dominate the box office and basically supplanted the era of Stallone, Schwarzenegger and even their lesser successors such as Nicolas Cage or Christian Slater.  ‘Action’ with a budget nowadays is a tedious build up to a CGI city being destroyed by projectile superheroes.

However the question still lurks around, what about those movies which are resolutely manly, yet comic book movies all the same?  A good example I think would be ‘The Punisher’ series.  Or the Blade series.

Some said that coverage of ‘Suicide Squad’ was cut abruptly short on this site because of it’s MPAA rating.  Not true, I simply wondered whether anyone actually gave a damn about the movie and had their fill of comic book movies regardless of who made them, even if it was David Ayer.

But let’s say Wesley Snipes appears in a new ‘Blade’ movie, do we ignore it?  Well that’s a question for regular readers, contributors etc for this site.  Are we to continue the zero tolerance policy?  Or take only movies that are alpha as fuck first, comic book movies second?

I think in the end, it would be a pretty slim list anyway.  For those crying ‘sell outs’ or ‘u-turn’… nope.  I’m asking about an extreme vetting process.