
Hollywood Actors Line Up To Kick Trump In The Balls – ManlyMovie

Hollywood Actors Line Up To Kick Trump In The Balls

I’m sorry, but since every other movie site out there offers readers a leftist bent, I think at least one site can do against the grain and say something alternative.

The above video is, quite frankly, hilarious.  At first I thought it was a video about simply encouraging electoral turnout.  You have an obligation to vote, says Champagne Socialist Scarlett Johansson.  And actually, you don’t have an obligation to vote.  If a government has proven itself to be a compromised plutocracy, you have an obligation to dissent.  Go and watch the documentary Hacking Democracy.

But anyway, halfway into this agonizingly patronising screed, they make it clear that they’re referring to Donald Trump.  That they don’t want you to vote for him, ergo they want you to vote for Hillary Clinton and back her plans to destroy nuclear reactors bedded next to the world’s most active oil shipping lane – can’t see anything that’ll go wrong there.  Can you smell the condescension?  It’s so strong that I think this video will actually be counter productive, it already has 32,000 dislikes.

The contradiction held within is hilarious.  “Your vote matters” they repeat with tears in their eyes, and sure enough it does, apparently, so long as you vote for Hillary Clinton.  So what is the point in ramming home that your vote matters, if they repeatedly shit on Trump, with no Clinton critics found in the video?  Have some balls and say it, your vote for Killary matters.


At one point in the video, probably the funniest of the whole thing, Julianne Moore lectures viewers on gun ownership.  She tilts her head to the side and scolds viewers, like a soccer mom confronting a petulant pre-teen. The sanctimony and condescension are almost satirical.

Also notice how Scarlett Johansson is not wearing makeup, an attempt to make herself look like one of we underlings.  Lol, they must think we’re fucking stupid and wouldn’t have noticed this.  The fuck back in your gold house.

Hey, Robert Downey Jr., you’re an entertainer, punk.  Stop getting ideas above your station and maybe give some of your trillions to fix some of the problems you… oh, wait, every dime is a prisoner?  Oh…