
Chinese Answer to Mad Max: Fury Road – ManlyMovie

Chinese Answer to Mad Max: Fury Road
Check out this trailer for upcoming Mad Max ‘homage’ Mad Sheila.
The Chinese are not know for their feminazi-ism, so I’m not particularly worried about them switching out the male lead for a hot looking asian girl. The decision to call her Sheila also demonstrates a refreshing level of self-awareness, not to mention cultural awareness – I love it when good ol’ Mick Taylor from Wolf Creek goes around calling women “Sheilas.” And you can bet that this particular Sheila won’t have had her head shaved either. I was amazed when Fury Road didn’t get a theatrical release in Mainland China, it being exactly the kind of spectacle Chinese audiences love, but I guess it must have found a fanbase for this to be coming out. I will definitely check this out and review it in time.