
Ranking The Dirty Harry Movies – ManlyMovie

Ranking The Dirty Harry Movies

5) The Enforcer (1976)

The Dirty Harry series is a most manly of franchises, pure 20th century.  Even alpha greats like Arnold Schwarzenegger say it had a profound influence on the actor he became.  Chances are if the 80s/90s guys did it, Clint Eastwood did it first.

But the ‘weakest’ (I don’t think there are any weak movies in this series) is The Enforcer, the third in the series that came in 1976.  It’s not that The Enforcer is a bad movie, rather personally speaking it’s the one in the series I’d visit least often.

The relationship between Callahan and his new female partner featured tepid chemistry, mostly down to Tyne Daly feeling a bit miss cast or out of place.  And the ‘revolutionary’ terrorist angle was also somewhat so-so.

Still, The Enforcer has one of the best lines in the series.  ‘Oh you’re welcome, about as welcome as a turd in a swimming pool.’

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