
Brett Ratner Shits On Rotten Tomatoes – ManlyMovie

Brett Ratner Shits On Rotten Tomatoes

One time (current?) Beverly Hills Cop 4 prospective director Brett Ratner has taken aim at Rotten Tomatoes.  Ratner co-funded Batman Vs. Superman and is not best pleased with the way the movie was treated on the aggregation website.

While speaking at the Sun Valley Film Festival, Ratner called Rotten Tomatoes the worst thing in movie culture.

“I have such respect and admiration for film criticism. When I was growing up film criticism was a real art. And there was intellect that went into that. And you would read Pauline’s Kael’s reviews, or some others, and that doesn’t exist anymore. Now it’s about a number. A compounded number of how many positives vs. negatives. Now it’s about, ‘What’s your Rotten Tomatoes score?’ And that’s sad, because the Rotten Tomatoes score was so low on Batman v Superman I think it put a cloud over a movie that was incredibly successful,”

Ratner also says that the site is having an adverse effect on moviegoers’ opinions regardless if they may have actually otherwise have found themselves ultimately liking a film.

“In Middle America it’s, ‘Oh, it’s a low Rotten Tomatoes score so I’m not going to go see it because it must suck.’ But that number is an aggregate and one that nobody can figure out exactly what it means, and it’s not always correct,”

We all know the deal with Rotten Tomatoes.  Writers are accepted on the basis of political opinion and how eager (and quick) their toes are to get to the line!  Are you a white knight, liberal, leotard cultist with 200 readers a week?  We wanna hear from you!

Well, like in other sectors of media, counter culture is now the ‘in-thing’ and growing.  I should know, look at this site.

Funny thing is, and this is just my 2C, that even though it’s not great, I think Batman Vs. Superman is actually a superior movie to any of Christopher Nolan’s Batman movies.  Nolan’s Batman movies tried far, far too hard.  Tried too had to take the surreal and make it real, by way of overwrought, tedious, grim-faced exposition.

Pseudo intellectuals interpret that as ‘art’, see…

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