
We’re Now Getting One Superhero Movie A Month – ManlyMovie

We’re Now Getting One Superhero Movie A Month

I wrote an article four years ago titled Comic Book Movies Need To Go.  I argued that fatigue had long since set and in and even aside from declining substance and quality, the fact that we were (then) heading on a trajectory of one leotard man-child movie every three months was too much.

Well it looks like it’s getting even worse.

Collider has a list over comic book movies heading our way between now and 2021.  There are 30 movies on that list, spanning a three year period, which is basically 1.2 movies every month. Unbelievable!

How many times can you watch the same shit over and over?  With each new iteration more worn out and overwrought than the last?  Look at the list, too.  Ants.  Bats.  Bees.  Spiders.  Are grown adults watching this schlock?

But it gets worse.

These plot-free CGI toy adverts are now invading the TV.  If you think 30 movies is bad, how about 50 TV shows!  Here is a list of those forecast by Deadline a while back.  Fifty fucking TV shows!  Is there no respite from this bullshit!

Meanwhile good stuff like the third in the Band of Brothers (de-facto) trilogy hangs in limbo, without even a release date, perhaps because there’s a declining market for adult themed entertainment and quicker bucks to be made off man-child stupor.  Maybe because neckbeards aren’t interested in stuff like that and instead want to spend their time comparing ‘powers and abilities’.