
Five Reasons Terminator 3 Was Fucking Awful – Page 4 – ManlyMovie

Five Reasons Terminator 3 Was Fucking Awful

2) Jonathan Mostow’s Directing

Jonathan Mostow is not a bad director, see Breakdown and U-571.  But Terminator 3 is a mediocre movie not least for its lazy directing.  If I remember correctly, Mostow shows contempt for the movie and Terminator series on the director’s commentary.  It might have been in the nude arrival scene, where Mostow says something like he didn’t understand why the Terminator had to be nude, but found it funny.

It seemed like Mostow treated it like a big gig, but just another action movie.  And that’s what it looked like, just another action movie with a big budget.  And also remember, Schwarzenegger supplemented some big parts of this budget out of his own money.  Does this say more about the lack of effort put into this movie by its producers, or the strenuous effort put into Arnold’s political aspirations by himself? Was he worried that the movie would bomb and not be the launchpad for his new goals?

Anyway, Mostow could have done simple things to improve it.  Why not at least try to ape Terminator 2 and put a steel-blue filter over the movie?  Why not tone down the shitty comedy?

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