
A Band Was Named After Sensei Seagal – ManlyMovie

A Band Was Named After Sensei Seagal

Steven Seagal has many fans and students across the world.  And maybe the most original tribute was the band of students who named their band after him.  It just goes to show that Steven has devotees on all corners of the planet!

Steve ‘N Seagulls is a redneck riff band (from Finland) who send up classics using redneck instruments.

Cool of them to name their band (as they have said) after The Master.  Above is their most popular effort, a take on AC/DC’s Thunderstruck, which let’s face it is just about the best song ever written.  It only has 50 million views.  Of course, this is nowhere near the combined total of Seagal’s box office.  But so monstrous is their growing popularity that they have been going on tour, having outgrown YouTube.

It would be nice if they could perform with Mr. Seagal himself.  Now that really would be something!